Hi! I'm Shannon Bentley,
your neighborhood software developer

theGlamTechie is my portfolio that showcases my programming skills and inspires career transitioners to pursue tech careers. Each project represents my ability to learn and apply new technologies, demonstrating my dedication to software engineering. I am committed to ongoing learning and contributing to the tech community.



React && TypeScript E-Commerce Application

In my last e-commerce project, I went through significant errors that were unnoticeable. To rectify the intricacies that I faced, I redid this project using React and Typescript to ensure that each step that I code improves my editor support and catches mistakes before any runtime for testing. This project features adding items to cart, incrementing/decrementing items, removing items and a cart summary on an offcanvas component that shows the price, total, and # of items in the cart. In the future, I want to add authentication, payment processes, and other backend features that will improve the project's complexity.

  • React
  • TypeScript

JavaScript && BootStrap E-Commerce Website

I created The Teachers' Club, an e-commerce website that sells teacher apparel, as my first deployed website. The website uses JavaScript functions to increment/decrement items, remove items, and hold items in a basket when the page refreshes. While I recognize that there is potential for improvement, such as adding an authentication for login users/repeat customers and a payment feature, I am proud of what I accomplished with just 9 months of coding experience. I am currently revamping the project using JavaScript and React to make the website more responsive and efficient.

  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap


Below are all the skills I know based on personal projects and courses.

  • Front-End

    HTML | CSS | JavaScript

  • Back-End

    Ruby | Data structures | Algorithms

  • Soft Skills

    Problem-Solver | Analytical | Communicator | Team Player | Lifelong Learner

  • Version Control

    Git | GitHub

  • Other

    Testing | Code Documentation

About Me

As a Support Tech passionate about technology, I continuously learn about the industry's intricacies. My boot camp experience and self-motivation have enabled me to acquire the necessary skills in coding languages to succeed in my tech career.

I am interested in combining software engineering with cybersecurity, specifically in the areas of application security and DevOps. My goal is to develop innovative and secure applications that mitigate potential cyber threats, benefiting both users and organizations.

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